Are you one of the thousands of people in Birmingham and surrounding areas that are a delightful Airbnb Host. We can imagine how keeping up appearances can be stressful and when a business is your house, its personal. We ran across this hidden gem Taskaway App that are based in Birmingham!
These handy guys can give you any tradesman at the click of a finger. You enter your location (Birmingham and surrounding areas) the trade type needed for your maintenance and you get to choose budget to job description and even who comes to do it. You will see reviews and ratings about past works carried out to ensure your getting the right person for the job.
These Taskaway gems are not exclusive to Airbnb Hosts! They are open to everybody so don’t worry! Us regular people in need of a tradesmen can also get relief from the stresses of those odd job and sometimes those larger jobs… 🙁
Click , click and your task is away! ..See what we did there? recently showcased at Birmingham NEC to show off some skills.
From @taskaway instagram
Dont’ let pictures let you down by having that leaky tap that you was going to fix , or that wall you was going to paint affect your hosting business. See if you can reinvest in getting those DIY bug bears done by trying out the Taskaway App.
Find them on Twitter @taskaway1 or & Instagram : @taskaway or have a little play around on their app and lets get a head start on those DIY resolutions.
Contact them before hand if you wish! They appear to be a sociable bunch! We even left a few sneak peak reviews from there recent local appearance.
For more @airbnb tips and general advice check out The Airbnb Expert
Great article thanks for this! Checked it out and the apps very good!